Friday, December 5, 2008

Thinking Caps - Blokes Manifesto

The Blokes Manifesto was inspired by my mate Warren Butterworth (Butters) trying to change his nickname. Other inspirations were prompted by my wife Lindy. There have been Manifestos for many things - now it is time for blokes of the world to unite. The manifesto aired on ABC radio late November of 2008 and stacks of listeners sent through their suggestions for what other things needed to go into the Blokes manifesto and what things should be in a Blokettes (Womens) Manifesto. What additions would you make? For other Thinking Caps check out Thinking Caps CD Glenn Capelli on itunes - particularly Sea Squirts and The Sport of Urination link to this topic


Anonymous said...

Spot on about not being able to choose your own nickname Greaso.


Big ears

Glenn Capelli said...

Ahh the beauty of old mates. For most of my life I forgot my name was Glenn given that every one called me Cap or Cappa except Zed who always refers to me as Greaso. The beauty of Australian blokes mateship!

dequo said...

And then there is how a bloke will organise his albums, CDs, singles, music books, music mags, the directors cut of Woodstock etc. Now a woman will come along a tidy things up meaning that CDs are in alphabetical order, when they should be genre, era or mood (or even colour; not the colour of the cover, the colour of the music, and I don't mean the blues, but that is another story altogether). Move a CD by five widths and suddenly it is lost forever. And only yesterday I stopped a famous lady from using my wood chisel as a cold chisel, so stay outta me shed too! Jeez.