Sometimes we do not know what talent (what crayons) rest within until there is a spark.
A friend of mine started sculpting after she gave birth to her first child. Said that something was born within as she gave birth. Another friend (Botts - Andrew Belotti) discovered he could paint when he was doing Physical Therapy as part of his recovery with Guilliane-Barre Syndrome (GBS). Ironically, I received this letter from another old mate, Kiwi Mark Godwin, and his private artist within became public after his wife contracted GBS. He wrote:
Bron got sick with GBS in August 2007 which saw her in hospital from August 2007 until January 2008. I spent the first few weeks not knowing what to do with myself (as you know I dont drink..........much).
I was cleaning out my daughters wardrobe and found a blank canvas and some paints which at the time begged me to paint on it. I started my first masterpiece which just happenned to be the very first painting on my blog.
My daughter came home that night and said where did you buy that and I said that I had painted it. I am afraid my daughter didnt believe me and I arrived home the following night to find another blank canvas and a wee note saying prove it and the rest is history.
I have never had lessons and didnt know I could paint but I know that each of us can rise above our grief and problems to create things of beauty or things that we can stand back and say with self pride....................I did that!
When we fall we can use the ground beneath to help us, and those around us, to rise up. May all kinds of artists within - find a way out, an expression. Enjoy. Mark's blog is www.pictureitponderitpaintit.blogspot.com
Thanks mate, may you inspire those who can be inspired and may they learn from within the hidden talents that lay undiscovered.
Hey Glenn,
I don't consider myself particularly artistic - musically maybe - but not in the visual arts. However, one thing I have discovered (here comes a confession), is that I really enjoy colouring in kids pics with my children! I was suprised to find that it's very relaxing. I think it's a mixture of enjoying the time spent with the people I love, the joy of creating (even if it is only choosing the colours and making sure you don't go outside the lines), and the pleasure of have time to "waste."
Travel well.
There is a beautiful kinesthetic feel to a crayon or colour on a page. In my Leadership & Innovation programs everyone has a blank journal and a box of crayons. It doesn't take too long for neoteny to kick in. All joy. cap
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