Thursday, March 12, 2009

Smarty Pants

David Perkins of Harvard fame wrote a book called Outsmarting IQ. I find Intelligence such an interesting and fluid concept - what my work is about is that Intelligence is a mix of Creative, Analytical, Practical and Emotional Smarts - a chumbawamba of a brew of a soup. Smarty Pants aired on ABC radio in 2008 and explores genes and the germs of beyond IQ. More Thinking Caps are on itunes CD.


. said...

Mate like a good wine you get better with age.

Anonymous said...

Hey Caps, if MENSA is the group for a genius, what is the group for us genie arses?

Glenn Capelli said...

Tim - Genie arse group MENS Are perhaps! Cap

Anonymous said...

LOL, Oh mate, you are a gem! I can now honestly say I am a member of MENS Are :)