Sunday, January 17, 2010

HOPS - Higher Order Presentation Skills

The HOPS - Higher Order Presentation Skills: Making Complex Simple. Making Simple Deep. Making Deep Engaging. Making Engaging Real. Making it all come to life.

A National Tour for National Speakers Association to help each presenter/educator bring uniqueness, originality, creativity and shine to presentations.

HOPS require speakers/trainers/teachers to discover the Design Artist within and to present courageously. It takes more risk, but done well, results in a deeper learning experience for all participants (including you).
Bookings @ National Speakers Association Australia 1800 090 024.


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Unknown said...

Great information shared here. Presentations skills and public speaking skills are more important for the effective communications and presentation. When I was lacking in these skills I have learnt the e-learning courses from Fast track tool where I have learnt more skills which are essential to reach my goals.