Monday, February 1, 2010

The Habit of Being Friendly

I know that you're busy, I know that there are things to do and I know that your mind is probably pre-occupied with a 1000 matters that matter but I still think it is worthwhile to find the time and inclination to smile, nod and say 'Good morning'.

Seems to me that when I wandered through Nepal, did a speaking tour of India and whenever I present in New Zealand folk are still in the habit of being friendly. Now, I know some of you may be suspicious that a smile or nod or 'Namaste' may have intentions other than friendliness but I prefer to smile back, nod first and/or enjoy the moment of connectivity that a 'G'day mate' can bring to the world.

When I backpacked the world for years on end I spent some nights in a remote Youth Hostel in the West of Ireland and on its wall was a note that said 'There are no strangers here, only future friends'. Magic.

But have no fear; a nod, smile or greeting doesn't mean you have to be indebted to a lifetime of friendship it just means that you've taken the time to notice others on the life journey. It just means you are a sign of a little good will. By adding to the pool of good will we may just help the Planet cool a little and not be an angry, hostile place - a little bit of Heart Warming can do a little bit of Climate Cooling.

What the world needs now is... more smiles, nods and 'Good morning, good morning to you'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great habit! Leanne B