Thursday, March 12, 2009

Smarty Pants

David Perkins of Harvard fame wrote a book called Outsmarting IQ. I find Intelligence such an interesting and fluid concept - what my work is about is that Intelligence is a mix of Creative, Analytical, Practical and Emotional Smarts - a chumbawamba of a brew of a soup. Smarty Pants aired on ABC radio in 2008 and explores genes and the germs of beyond IQ. More Thinking Caps are on itunes CD.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Think Big. Start Small. Act Now.

In Thomas Friedman's thoughtful and most recent release Hot, Flat and Crowded he quotes Governor Suebu of Papua as having a motto of Think Big, Start Small and Act Now. His reference is regarding the protection of tropical forests but I think it is a pretty nifty motto as a foundation philosophy for most things. Perhaps we could all play around with and extend the philosophy too. How about - Think Big. Start Small. Act Now. Head in the right direction. Or Think Big. Start Small. Act Now. Head in the right direction. But no need to skite about it. As Kev Carmondy and Paul Kelly remind us, from little things, big things grow. From big ideas, little actions start that become pathways to the future; a future where we may look back and say 'Thank God , we did something about it then'. As the collaborative eco team called the Vehicle Design Summit group say 'We are the people we have been waiting for'. Another nifty motto!