Wednesday, August 12, 2009

HOPS - Higher Order Presentation Skills

The HOPS - Higher Order Presentation Skills. A presentation for Australian Institute of Training & Development. Double click image for details and go to the site to register. It will be an exciting night.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dr Evelyn Gateva Visual Notes

Seattle 1991. After the SALT Conference I joined 100 or so others for three days with Prof. Georgi Lozanov and Dr Evelyn Gateva to experience their methods of teaching and learning. Towards the end Dr Gateva ran a half day lesson on the teaching of some Italian vocab words and grammar. A vibrant introduction using songs to introduce some words & meanings, Active Concerts, playful exploration through discussion, games, readings, debate (Elaboration phase) and a Passive Concert to finish. My notes tried to track the rich layers of methodology. Sadly Dr Gateva passed on some years ago. It was an honor to be in the class.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Presentation Skills: Boomerangs

A Boomerang is any approach you use to return the participants' attention back to the front of the room. So a Boomerang is used after you set up a discussion, activity, chat... and then need the group to stop, pause or return their attention to you. Often teachers and presenters use the volume of their voice to Boomerang but this can deplete energy. Boomerangs are what skilled teachers and presenters do without even knowing they might be doing it and there are a whole range of Boomerangs to play with. Enjoy the audio piece explaining the variety of Boomerangs.