Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Listing Brainstorm - Respond

What do you believe are some of the most important skills for youngsters to learn toward our complex future? Respond.


Matt Hern said...

How to have an open mind to new ideas and to embracing change. If thinking, flexibility and adaptability are skills then they are ones I want to model and teach to my two darlings.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Matt, although with that I would suggest that "focus" is an essential skill too. Complexity can bring confusion but focus helps us to cut through to what really matters in life.

Derick McManus said...

As we've discussed before ... optimism is a stand out for me. if you have optimism you can pursue your dreams, see solutions to problems, always have a happy outlook no matter what is happening to you, make the most of opportunities.
Optimism will give you the strength to be resilient too.
Derrick McManus

Graeme Bowman said...

Because the future will be even more complex than the present, it will be essential to have the ability to escape from that complexity ... to escape to the 'space between the thoughts'.

So, being able to meditate or achieve true mental relaxation will be a vital if less obvious skill.

And guess what? Some great creative work can follow a period of calm.