Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Recipes for Presentation Designs

I love cooking with a mixture of ingredients, I love playing to get the blend right and to (at best) create layers of tastes. Sometimes too much of this or too little of that and whammo it is a whole different dish - worse. Other times you can make subtle changes to the recipe, in thought of the people you are cooking for, and whammo it is a whole different dish - better.

Designing a Presentation is much the same. It is a chumbawamba of how you mix, blend and layer the pieces - in thought of your participants - that can make the difference.

When presenting a roadshow of the 'same' presentation over and over to different groups, it is vital that you remember that no presentation is ever the 'same' presentation as the last. The participants - their response and contribution - make each meal different. Good chefs shift the blend a little as they go - by learning the participants palates they are able to make adjustments on the spot to ensure the best learning - the best nutrition, the best overall taste.

Also, by making some small shifts in each recipe (design) you can build your own excitement for the cooking and the delivery.

Designing and delivering Presentations is a never ending skill, art & science. Much like being the Master Chef.

PS. Thinking Caps book is now in bookstores. Check the 'Chumbawamba' piece in the book.

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