Tuesday, April 14, 2009


A scridoodle is a mix of scribble and doodle. The mind starts and the pen takes off and forms some image or collection of lines on a page. Sometimes it forms into a coherent whole (Pool Boy 2 semi self-portrait), other times it resembles a mess in ink or a rough collection of thought images. Some up coming scridoodles will demonstrate this theme. The thing with a scidoodle is that when I start to draw or muse I have no outcome in mind. I start and it continues. Then something emerges. Sometimes, it is in the looking back that meaning is made and innovation becomes apparent.


snad said...

Hi Glenn,
I love the self portrait, unfortunately whenever I try to scridoodle I feel like a complete failure as they look more like a scribble (no doodling at all) - no really! they are almost unrecognisable as any sort of art form. Am I missing the point?

Glenn Capelli said...

Snad - Hope you are loving the sunshine. The approach is to 1. Dump Judgement - have a bin for any of your thoughts that say 'it's a failure' or 'I'm a failure' 2. Look for shapes and for something that might emerge from the ink 3. Play with it Also, play with the visual vocabulary that already exists in your mind and pen. What is your image for the word 'love'? Most of us have a visual vocab that we do not acknowledge. A heart means love, a stick drawing of a tree can mean 'environment', a smile face can mean 'happy'. Mainly, know that practice makes progress and palyfulness produces magic! Cap

Glenn Capelli said...

From Mark Godwin atpictureitponderitpaintit.blogspot.com -
Subject: The shaddows

Gid'y mate, I have been following your sriddoodling? I must say those crayons from within are truely in fine colour at the moment. I have a wee story of how my crayons are delivering special messages and just wanted to share this with you.

A friend of mine from Canada is awaiting a replacement heart which has been a long process of over 15 months now.She has never given up hope and has always looked on the positive side with the view oneday it will be her turn.

She has never shared to much with her friends as to her feelings and thoughts on what might be but 2 months ago she opened up to me and so I got an insight from the shadow that masks her life at the moment.

I portrayed this in a painting and then washed it in bronze paint to portray the shadow that she lives within. I guess what I am trying to say is that we all tend to look at others for inspiration however when the need is so great we find our internal crayons.

It is through these crayons that we draw the path to take in the hope it is one which will deliver the answers to our individual needs and hopes.

sorry mate on my soap box again but thanks for the inspiration once again.