Thursday, April 9, 2009

Slide Zen

It is interesting that Powerpoint and general use of slides in presenting and educating is copping a bit of stick at the moment and the answer for a lot of presenters/educators is to not use the approach. I prefer the Ella Fitzgerald philosophy from the 1939 penned tune when she sings 't'aint what you do, it's the way that you do it'. Use slides (I prefer Keynote rather than Powerpoint) in such a way that they add value to your presentation and help to reach and teach folk in deeper layers. Therefore, slides as a teaching and reaching tool take thought and time in how you design, how you introduce them and what they can bring to certain learners that other elements of your design and delivery can not.
Perhaps it is easier to not use slides or to use slides that detract from the message and layers of meaning but easier may not be the best choice. I love the creative approach in designing slides (visuals, imbedded audio, original art work, thought of font, choice of transition...) that add layers of depth, meaning and entertainment. Slides are so much more than Bullet Points or videos stolen from youtube.
After I presented at the National Master Class for Professional Speakers in Sydney (March 2009), Paul Wallbank wrote Interestingly, at the National Speakers Convention over the weekend, I noticed most professional speakers have given up the use of PowerPoint or Keynote altogether. Most are going back to using butcher's paper and relying on simply their knowledge and passion for their topics. That's not to say PowerPoint is completely dead. One speaker who used the medium very well was Glenn Capelli, but his use of Apple Keynote was a far cry from the "heading-bullet point- bullet point-bullet point-corporate logo-next heading" type presentation we've all suffered through. Which showed the right tools used well can have stunning results. From
Many thanks Paul for your words and more so your thinking beyond the words. Last year I ran a Slide Zen worshop and thoroughly enjoyed the way the attendees have taken to creative use of slide design to enhance learning. We will run more Slide Zen workshops this year in WA, Victoria and NSW. Maybe other states too.


Like to the Lark said...

Hi Glen,

Couldn't agree more. Any plans of bringing Sammy Samsonite and Slide Zen to Christchurch?

We'd love to have you visit the NSANZ Christchurch Chapter.

Glenn Capelli said...


Some one from Auckland was keen to get me to do something too. The Slide Zen and Music Zen Workshops are running for NSW and Victoria NSAA on a profit share basis - once expenses are met. A tour of NZ would be special. Did some education work in Christchurch earlier this year and may be returning at some stage for more too. Cap