Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cap Maps- Anableps

It is natural for me to take notes anableptically! I explain the anablep in The Thinking Learning Classroom - a central American carp fish with four irises and lenses - two for looking above the surface of the water and two for looking beneath. For learners & teachers, above the surface can represent the notes we take on the content covered, beneath the surface can be notes we make on methodology and ideas the presentation sparks for us that may not be related to the content being covered. I often get ideas for songs to write whilst listening into and Cap Mapping (taking Visual Notes) a presentation.

Sometimes the methodology stimulates me to think of ways I might teach concepts, likewise sometimes the lack of methodology can stimulate thoughts on how to present the speaker's content in a variety of different ways. Such note taking & making helps keep me actively engaged in presentations and actively engaged in learning.

In our Born To Learn USA cable television series made for Mind Extension University we had a little song that went 'You gotta actively engage your mind, bring yourself to learning all the time'. Visual Notes and anablepping (now, there's a word for you) help keeps the mind alive and learning.

CapMaps DVD and Thinking Learning Classroom book are both available on in The Shop.

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