Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The People You Meet On Stage

The Conference Speaking World is an interesting one and you get to meet and be team-mates with a host of fascinating folk, some who become your mates. I once was flown to Miami to speak and the evening entertainment was three of the former Doobie Brothers performing now with a 7 piece band; a magic combo.

Other joyful collaborations include Conference cards with Professor Howard Gardner, Harvard's wonderful David Perkins, Moira Kelly (founder of Children First), Edward de Bono (in Canada and Malaysia), astronauts, Everest climbers, Gold Medalists, scientists, Prime Ministers, Senators, street choirs and a vast array of CEOs. Not to mention the magic of other Professional Speakers.

One joy for me is when I get to interview folk on stage and turn interviews (and panels) into activities of thoughtfulness (for the audience) and involvement. Two years ago at the National Employment Services International Congress I was able to interview David Bussau regarding his life (from being an abandoned child) and his work in micro-lending championing the lives folk in need of livelihood. David's story as told by Philippa Tyndale in Don't Look Back is a touching and meaningful read. In 2008 David was named Senior Australian of the Year.

In March 2010 I will get to theme weave (and conduct other interviews) at the next International NESA in Melbourne. Magic.

1 comment:

Glenn Capelli said...

You are such a treasure Glenn - and we are so looking forward to having you back at the helm creating an environment for delegates that will have them talking about the congress long after it has finished. Your generosity of spirit, warmth and exceptional creativity gives 'our Working Communities International congress' a whole new meaning. Carole