Monday, July 5, 2010


Be as active as possible, to be as healthy as possible, to be as happy as possible for as long as possible. Bring things to your life that bring things to life - experience and learning.

Neoteny is Piece 3 in the Thinking Caps book. In Australasian stores and at


Anonymous said...

I read you short little blog on neoteny and remembered you use to
talk about even ten fifteen years ago-but it was ringing few bells in
my head. At first neither did wikipedia. Then I came across this
link, and I saw you shining through in a very diverse source:

I have been following you blogs, etc. from distant Escondido, Ca.
where you came once to talk. I last saw you for a day in Florida, and
I still count it as one of the special days in my life.

I was reading about your DVD's on visual notetaking and remembering
your great notebooks....I'm officially retired. (Too much mold and
too little lung capacity in my classroom.) Somehow I need back in the
game. I volunteer teaching art classes--really basic art classes to
elementary kids. I'd like to somehow work into teaching visual
notetaking as a way of thinking and teaching reading comprehension.

If I am successful, I could send you a percentage of what I earned to
you in return for using your material. If I am still the volunteer,
It would be just be recognition you would get here in the backwaters
of education,

Let me know,
Your memory still makes me smile. Best wishes,
Pat Griffith

Anonymous said...

Hi Glenn,
do you remember me ? ?

Audra Chown

Glenn Capelli said...

Audra - hi! Lovely to hear from you. email and say another hello.

Lisa-Gaye Williams said...

Hello Glenn
I was with you today at the SPCC conference and am still buzzing with all that you showed us. I feel a great resonation with neoteny - it explains my continued passion for the quirky in my teaching and learning...just waiting on the wisdom now! Am poking my index fingers in the air and waggling my hips :-)

Glenn Capelli said...

Lisa - many, many thanks. Great group of folk - maintain the magic in your neoteny. Cap