As a kid I was afraid to walk on the Esperance jetty because I thought I would fall through the cracks. Now, let me make it quite clear here that I was not a super thin kid so there was no actual way I could possibly slither.
I am not sure when the cracks stopped having power over me. There was no Karate Kid moment, no climactic arm pumping Rocky run, no triumphant knock out blow… just one day, in one set of holidays, where I forgot about the cracks and walked up the jetty without worry.
Decades later I was watching Jack Nicholson in the movie ‘As Good As It Gets’. His character wouldn’t step on any of the cracks in the New York pavement. I laughed, smiled and kind of understood.
If the character had come to me for advice I probably would have said to him ‘just get busy enjoying other stuff in life and somehow the cracks dissolve’. Better still, I might even attempt singing some Leonard Cohen lines from his song Anthem:
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget the perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in
I have learned to love the cracks in life: cracking up, giving things a crack, things being crackerjack. Life is more interesting with a crack or two.
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